Historic Preservation Northwest works for clients in the field of
historic preservation. The consultants who work within the organization
have the skills to perform the following services:
Cemetery Preservation, including repair, survey, and
planning. For sample reports, click here.
Section 106 reporting
Forms 620 and 621 for the FCC. For sample reports for Oregon, click here.
Section 106 reporting for
government agencies besides the FCC. For a sample report for Oregon, click here.
Building Survey for Certified Local Governments. To see cities that have our survey work on the web, click
Planning for Certified Local Governments. For a sample preservation plan, click
Website work for
Certified Local Governments. To see cities for which we've
done website development, click here.
National Register Nominations. For a sample nomination, click here.
National Register District Nominations. For a sample district nomination, click here.
Context Statement. For a sample context statement, click here.
Historic Structure Reports
(HSR). For a sample Historic Structure Report, click
Condition Assessment. For a sample condition assessment, click
Historic American Building Survey (HABS) Drawings
and Photos. For a sample HABS drawing set, click here.
Historic Preservation
Training and Educational Programs. For a sample educational program, click